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Walking the Talk

We walk the talk by...

  • Applying inclusive collaboration frameworks and communication methods, such as non-violent communication.

  • Engaging with visitors and volunteers to build our capacity to effectively support the social, economic, and environmental well-being of life in the region.

  • Fostering inter-dependency, solidarity, and trust in our relationships.

  • Working from the Emergent Future (Theory U awareness-based method for changing systems), and responding to the needs of the locals, which are shared in confidentiality through relationship building.

  • Embodying reduce, reuse, and recycle, and harnessing the power of our natural environment in ways that serve the community without capitalizing on it.

  • Being a place that experiments with more sustainable and regenerative ways.

Collective Land Ownership

We’re establishing common ground that nourishes our community to become more resilient each day. The next step in this process is to evolve the spaces of Los Higuerones into commons, owned and stewarded by the community.


We are implementing a collective land ownership mode that values committed community members of Los Higuerones by distributing shares among them. This process is funded by others who like to support the development of a resilient Osa society and the contribution of Los Higuerones to this process but who don’t have the physical space for in-kind contributions.

Osa Kitchen

The Osa Community Kitchen is an initiative to support local producers in their needs for equipment and a space to produce their products. The Osa Kitchen fosters the cultural richness of the campesino kitchen while promoting collaboration among producers and experimentation with ingredients to take steps towards healthier and more locally sourced artisanal products.

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