Modeled on the CSA (community supported agriculture) boxes model, the Cajas Verdes were initiated to create a market base for local smallholder farmers in the Osa. Today, the Cajas Verdes have evolved into a customizable ordering system through a WhatsApp business account and LOTS of manual Excel work! Visit our catalog and choose your own pick-up point!
For only ₡6,500 ($11), you can choose your favorite items from the catalog or order a surprise Caja Verde that will be specially curated for you every week using local, seasonal produce from the market.
You can view our produce selection or make an order by visiting our catalog.
Some example products for ordering include:
Yuca, Papaya, Pineapple, Watermelon, Coconut, Potatoes, Plantain, Avocado, Beans, Rice, Milk, Cheese, Goat cheese, Bread, Cakes, and many other fresh local gems
Ordering Process
1 | Order your personal box via the WhatsApp catalog.
2 | Let us know where you want to pick-up your order. Choose from a variety of options below.
3 | Pick up your order and pay!
14 +
Local producers supported through our work
100 +
Manos Cambiadas
volunteers deployed
750 +
Cajas de Abundancia supplied to families in need